Work Order Archive File Not Found


All completed work orders are saved in the “Archive” folder.  The completed work orders are stored as the service history and are not changed by any updates to the customer account.


I.                    Determine the “Archive” location

a.       Open Inquest

b.      From the “File” menu select “Database”

c.       On the “Database” submenu select “Service History”


The displayed window will list the archive folder locations.  The first location listed is where all newly completed work orders will place the service history information.


Inquest searches the archive folder for the work order service history when printing the information for a completed work order.


II.                  Work Order Archive File Not Found

The “Archive” folder does not contain the service history for the work order being printed.



a.       Make sure the work order being printed is in a “Complete” status.


b.      Verify you can access the “Archive” folder ( possible network problem )

                                                               i.      Determine the “Archive” location, step I above.

                                                             ii.      From “My Computer” browse to the archive folder


c.       Verify all workstations are using the same “Archive” folder


d.      If you can access the “Archive” folder, verify that the work order exists

                                                               i.      The work order archive file is named “WO####.xml” where #### is the work order number



a.       Reestablish your network connection and print the work order


b.      If a workstation archive folder is incorrect

                                                             ii.      Set the correct archive folder, step I above

                                                            iii.      Move the work order service history from the incorrect location to the correct “Archive” folder


c.       Restore from an Inquest “*.zip” backup file

NOTE: this will impact changes made since the backup was taken


d.      Restore the work order to the handheld device and resynchronize the handheld