Upgrading Inquest from Microsoft Access to SQL Server 2008


Before upgrading you must obtain and successfully install Microsoft SQL Server 2008


I.                    Note the location and name of the current Access database

a.       Start Inquest

b.      The first screen to display is “Open Company Data Source”

c.       Highlight the company name in the database list

d.      Below the list of database names you will see “Location”.

e.      “Location” gives the full pathname and filename for the Microsoft Access database


II.                  Make a backup of the current Access database

a.       Click the “Open selected company…” button

b.      From the “File” menu select the “Database submenu

c.       Select the “Backup” menu option

d.      Save a backup file

e.      Close Inquest


III.                Create the new SQL Server database

a.       Start Inquest

b.      The first screen to display is “Open Company Data Source”

c.       Click the “New data source…” button

d.      The “Data Connection Wizard” will display

e.      Select “Empty database ( rare choice )”, click “Next”

f.        Select “Microsoft SQL Server”, click “Next”

g.       Enter your SQL Server Information (dependent on your installation of SQL Server)

                                                               i.      Server name

                                                             ii.      Log on credentials

h.      Click “Next”

i.         For database name enter àTheExt4

j.        Click “Finish”

k.       A confirmation message will display indicating the empty database was created


IV.                Import the Access database data into the SQL Server database

a.       From the “Start” menu select “All Programs”

b.      Then select the “Microsoft SQL Server 2008” program group

c.       Select “SQL Server Management Studio”

d.      Connect to the SQL Server

e.      Expand the “Databases” folder

f.        Right click on “TheExt4” database

g.       From the “Tasks” menu select the “Import Data…” menu option

h.      The “SQL Server Import and Export Wizard” will display

i.         Click “Next”

j.        For “Data Source” select “Microsoft Access”

k.       Click the “Browse” button to and open the Access database noted earlier

l.         Click “Next”

m.    For “Choose a Destination” leave the default information for importing to TheExt4 database

n.      Click “Next”

o.      Select “Copy data from one or more tables or views”

p.      Click “Next”

q.      Check the checkboxes next to each table name to indicate the data should be imported

NOTE: Depending on how long you have been using Inquest there can be tables in the Access database without a corresponding table in the SQL database.  These are obsolete tables and can be ignored during the import without any problems.

r.        Click “Next”

s.       Check the “Run immediately” checkbox

t.        Click “Next”

u.      Click the “Finish” button

v.       The data will now transfer

w.     After the import has complete click the “Close” button


V.                  Open the new SQL database with Inquest

a.       Start Inquest

b.      The first screen to display is “Open Company Data Source”

c.       Click the “New data source…” button

d.      The “Data Connection Wizard” will display

e.      Select “Open an existing database”, click “Next”

f.        Select “Microsoft SQL Server”, click “Next”

g.       Enter your SQL Server Information (dependent on your installation of SQL Server)

                                                               i.      Server name

                                                             ii.      Log on credentials

h.      Click “Next”

i.         For database name enter àTheExt4

j.        Click “Finish”


VI.                To eliminate confusion between the Access and SQL Server databases

a.       Start Inquest

b.      The first screen to display is “Open Company Data Source”

c.       Select the Microsoft Access database in the list

                                                               i.      You can see it’s the Access database by noting the “Location” field displayed below the list of company names.

d.      Click the “Remove selected company…” button